Co-Authored Paper Published in Peer-Reviewed Journal

Tokyo, Japan. March 26 2024, 1PM JST

We are thrilled to announce that our latest research paper has been successfully published in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal.

The paper, titled "Demonstration of Fixed Flight-Path Angle Descent via Scheduled Commercial Flights", delves into developing and applying simulation methods to model and predict aircraft noise emissions from advanced propulsor configurations like boundary layer ingesting inlets. This research tackles an important area for designing quieter and more environmentally-friendly aircraft concepts. After months of rigorous research, high-fidelity simulations, data analysis, and collaboration, we are proud to see our findings recognized by the academic community and published as a peer-reviewed paper.

We extend our sincere thanks to Daiki Iwata and Yuki Nonaka of University of Tokyo and Yasunobu Funai and Takehiko Shindo of Peach Aviation for their leadership and expertise throughout this project. Our contributions were made possible through collaborative effort and dedication to advancing knowledge in the aviation industry.

You can access the full paper here.

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