The latest at NABLA Mobility

JAXA phase 2
NABLA Mobility Inc. (Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, CEO: Shinji Tanaka, “NABLA Mobility”, “Company”) is pleased to announce that our proposed theme has been selected for the research phase of the JAXA Aviation Innovation Challenge 2022 — Powered by DBJ (the Program), held by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), in cooperation with the Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ).

NABLA Mobility was awarded DBJ Award for JAXA Aviation Innovation Challenge 2022 - Powered by DBJ
NABLA Mobility was Awarded for DBJ Award for JAXA Aviation Innovation Challenge 2022 - Powered by DBJ

Selected to Japan’s “The 100 Most Amazing Ventures 2023”
NABLA Mobility has been selected for Japan’s “The 100 Most Amazing Ventures 2023” (“Sugoi venture 100”) by Toyo-Keizai

SBIR acceptance
NABLA Mobility announced its acceptance into the highly regarded Japanese Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program's phase one for 2023 (End-to-End Approach), expertly managed by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.

White paper 01.1
NABLA Mobility Released a White Paper on Turbulence Avoidance and Altitude Optimization

Summary Report: JAXA Aviation Innovation Challenge 2022 - Powered by DBJ
The results of our research from the JAXA Aviation Innovation Challenge were shared with the public through a summary report.

Collaborating on a World’s First
NABLA Mobility Inc., Tsuchiya and Itoh Laboratory at Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, and Peach Aviation Limited announced today for collaborating on a world’s first by conducting Fixed-flight Path Angle Descents during a series of regularly scheduled commercial flights. These real-world flights successfully proved that employing this descent technique results in meaningful operational benefits and a significant reduction in environmental impact.